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In todays current market, timing is critical. You can't wait two weeks to get your inspections done. We offer flexible scheduling and can usually book your inspection within 3 days or less. Check the calendar below or call our office if you have a specific time or day that you would like to schedule. 203 880-5409
Online order pricing is an estimate based on several factors and is subject to change based on the scope of the inspection, location and additional services as needed. Our office will contact you once your inspection request is submitted. If we cannot reach you within a reasonable time at the provided contact number or email the order will be deleted. Orders without a provided full name and contact will not be scheduled until information is provided. Where applicable, it is recommended that you have an accepted offer on the property to be inspected and that you have confirmed the preferred inspection time and date with your realtor and the seller before scheduling online. We reserve the right to change the date or time of the inspection at any time.